How do I Calculate my RMD for 2022?
Calculating your RMD (Required Minimum Distribution) is relatively easy. It’s simply the minimum amount that you must withdraw from your retirement account.
What is the Difference between Renouncing and Relinquishing US citizenship?
Although relinquishing US citizenship is a form of renunciation, there are slight difference. And don’t forget the exit tax!
Injured Spouse vs. Innocent Spouse – What is the Difference?
Innocent spouses can be let off the hook completely, but not injured spouses. But the requirements for claiming each are different.
What Happens If Your Spouse Owes Taxes
If your spouse owes taxes, then you’re on the hook for them too. But there are exceptions (married-filing-single, innocent spouse, injured spouse).
Can a spouse sign a tax return for the other spouse?
Sometimes a spouse can sign a tax return for the other spouse. But there are other instances where it’s prohibited. Learn the difference.
How Much Does it Cost to Renounce US Citizenship?
The cost to renounce US citizenship can be as much as $2,350. But don’t forget the “exit tax” and other related expenses. It’s harder than you think.
Can You Get US Citizenship Back After Renouncing?
Giving up your citizenship is a big deal, but can you get US citizenship back after renouncing it? Well, the answer is not as simple as you think.
What Happens to Social Security if You Renounce Citizenship
Before you give up your citizenship, you should understand what happens to social security if you renounce citizenship. It’s pretty straight forward.
IRS Offer In Compromise
An IRS Offer in Compromise is a great way to resolve back taxes, but most are rejected. Read these important tips before filing your IRS OIC.